We are finally leaving China and going home to start our new life with our baby girl. We are more than eager to go home. I woke up sick so Joe and I have been trading off while one sleeps the other plays. This afternoon we went to the U.S. Consolate to take an oath and receive Penelope's visa. As soon as she lands in LAX she become a U.S. citizen. I can't believe we finally made it. These past three weeks were very long and we miss you all. Now let me tell you a little about China:
Weather: It sucks. It was always hot and always high humidy. Walking out side was like walking in a sauna, true. In Beijing the weather was nicer and a littler breezier but Guangzhou, sucks. Imagine jumping in the shower and straightening your hair, put make up on and ready to go, then you step outside and you start to sweat, your hair frizzes, and your makeup is melting. That's Guangzhou.
Traffic: It sucks. We went to Yangxi for a 4 hour trip. On our way back it took 7 hours. Enough said. The street lines are just guides, the cars will cram into any space just to get by. Pedestrians do not have the right of way. When one is crossing you must be looking both ways all the time even if it's green you.
Food: It's okay. Some meals were great, some were okay and some were awful. We had more of the okay and awful than great. The chicken would be surved with it's head on the plate, to show "freshness". The shrimp was always cooked whole meaning with eyes, shin and colon intaked. I'm sooo craving a taco.
People: Because there are soooooo many people in China, the mentality is "get out of my way". Us Americans would take that as rude, they're in survival mode. We turned lots of heads when we would walk the streets with Penelope. Some smiles, some dirty looks and some confusions. I would just smile back and kiss Penelope on the cheek, sort of letting them know that she will be loved.
Massages: They're Great!!!! I just returned with the rest of the fathers (Joe was on mom duty tonight) and it was incredible. I had a 1 hour full body massage for $8 and it was better than the States.
So we return tomorrow night and we know that everybody is eager to meet Penelope just as we are eager for her to meet you, but we would like for this weekend only to rest, recover from our jetlag (15 hour flight) and have her get used to her new environment. We will be going to the Dodger game on Saturday the 24th and I plan on taking her to my Nina Esters house on Sunday for everyone to meet her. I know that you will understand. Again thank you all your beautiful comments, I will be printing them for Penelope to have.
We love you!!!!!!
Joe, Pati and Penelope