Monday, July 23, 2007

Dodgers vs Diamondbacks

Penelope woke up very excited from the night before holding her ticket and wearing her hat during breakfast.
Showing our Dodger Spirit.

Penelope's first Dodoger game in Arizona.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Fourth of July

Stripes, Stripes and more Stripes.
The town had a balloon parade in the morning, it was already 100 degrees at 10am.

Made for a Princess

As soon as she saw this vanity she yelled "mommy I want, mommy I want", she's learning early.
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Mother's Day

Posing by the waterfountain.
Posing at the golf course.

Cherries Cherries Cherries

Penelope's new favorite fruit.

Easter Weekend in Sedona

Joe and Penelope visiting Montezuma's castle.

I love this photo of Joe and Penelope overlooking the valley.

We walked into an antique store in Prescott and Joe fell in love with this cowboy hat.
View of the sunset in our neighborhood.

New Home

So we've moved to Arizona as you may already know. We've been here since February and it's great! It's very quiet and very beautiful here. We moved into a community that is against the mountains. It has it's own grocery store, pharmacy, bank, cafe, juice bar and pizzeria. I don't need to leave this place!